6 - 14 july 2019

me | we


6 - 14 july, 10:00 - 20:00


PPNT Gdynia, builiding III

We live in a world where attention has shifted to "me" instead of "us". In the world of "us" the value was to serve others, and the common good was superior to individual's good. In the world of "me", self-development and a sense of happiness are the most important.

Globalization and the contemporary rhythm of life facilitate anonymity and closing up in single-person enclaves. However, is the happiness of "me" possible without "us"? Statistics are not kind to us: we become more and more lonely, we have more and more anxieties.

In the world of contradictions, we are still forced to make choices, to take sides, to have opinions and clear attitudes. Do we have to choose between ourselves and others? What amount of convenience and responsibility is correct? When to bet on your own interest, and when on the common good? These questions appear in many contexts: within our families or local communities, but also in reference to people from other countries, foreigners or residents of the third world.

The works selected for the exhibition show the contradictory tendencies embodied in real projects. Some of them support our desire for self-realization, getting to know each other and fulfilling our dreams. Systems that take the responsibility of caring for others from us save our time. Other help us create a positive image. Some projects reflect our need to be involved in helping others or building small, local communities; return to establishing valuable contact with other generations or building empathy towards different cultures; being responsible also for the internet community, which we create.

The exhibition encourages us to think about where our sense of happiness and satisfaction with life lies. To what extent it involves self-realization and being separate as well as being a member of the community? Where to put a border to be able to maintain one's independence, but at the same time feel fulfilled in contacts with others?


  • Designer, working on the intersection of design, architecture and art. She studied social sciences at the University of Wroclaw in Poland and the University of Zurich in Switzerland, design at Kingston University London, then she graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven. She founded her design studio in the Netherlands in 2011.

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