6 - 14 july 2019

Monika Brauntsch

curator of "2°C" exhibition

Founder of the KAFTI brand, presented at many exhibitions and awarded, among others, in the Ślaska Rzecz and Must Have competitions. The winner of the Polish edition of the Young Creative Entrepreneur by British Council (2011), awarding the most dynamic companies from the creative industries. A graduate of Design Management (SWPS, 2012) and Human Resource Management (SGH, 2014) courses. Co-creator of social projects "Peconheiros" and "myhand". Founder of the Spirit of Poland foundation (TSOP), which has carried out over a dozen of exhibitions at the design festivals, trade fairs as well as museum exhibitions around the world. Monika also conducts consultancy services as a Design Manager within the framework of design programs and audits, aimed at improving the competitiveness of Polish entrepreneurs through design.